Thursday, June 28, 2018

Week 48 - Transfers!

Transfers! Well, another six weeks has rolled to an end here in the Piura Vida and this time around I have recieved a transfer way up north to Tumbes!! To be honest, I really wasnt expecting to come up here to Tumbes, but that is the fun part of transfers. As sad as I am to leave the great members, families, and friends that I made in my time in Ignacio Merino, Piura, I am excited to start this new chapter of my mission in a new place Ive never been. Im excited to see what the Lord has in store for me here. It looks like my area will be right on the beachfront, so that should be pretty sweet. Im ready to get to work. Vamos!

Well due to the transfer and 5 hour bus ride up here, Im a little cut short on time. Next week I should have lots to report on. I just want to say that I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to serve this mission and every day I feel the love for my Savior and this work growing more and more. I am so deeply grateful for this gospel and for the true peace and happiness it brings into my life. There is nothing that I would rather be doing right now than serving the Lord. He lives!

PS Also, during the bus ride today I was able to read "Our Search for Happiness" by M. Russell Ballard. If any of you have a little free time in the next few days, I encourage you to read it! I promise it will be worth your time. :)
Avanza Su Verdad!

Elder Bailey

“Dare to be a Mormon.

Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.”

-Thomas S. Monson

Monday, June 18, 2018

Week 47

LA COPA MUNDIAL!! Things have been pretty crazy around here with the start of the world cup. Its so cool to be down here in South America during a world cup in a culture that eats, sleeps, and breathes soccer. I can honestly say my love for the game has grown immensly, hehe. Everytime we pass kids playing in the street it is hard to resist the temptation to immediatly throw my stuff down and jump right in and play (I give into the temptation every now and then). I think Elder Silvano is just about ready to kill me considering how many "nutmegs" ive given him with rocks as we are walking in the street, hahaha. As fun as it is, futbol has always been a great way to start a conversion with people in the street as well. It doesnt matter who you are, if you start talking about Peruvian soccer with someone, you instantly become their best friend. I love it. Unfortunetly, our boys in the red and white took an L on Saturday to Denmark... Everyone was pretty bummed around here. Hopefully we can get that bounceback win against France this week. Porque yo creo en Ti!!

As far as the work this week, it was a little tough. As of late, we just cannot seem to get any of our contacts or investigators to follow through with the basic commitments that we give to them like reading the Book of Mormon, praying, or going to church. These past few weeks have definitely been a big test of faith and patience. All we can do is just keep working hard, putting in our part, and trusting in the Lord. I know He always fullfills his promises.

One funny experience that I had this week was during a work visit with one of my good friends, Elder Newman. As we were going door to door knocking doors, we decided to take a different, more creative, approach to contacting the people. To take advantage of having two gringos together, after knocking a door and having someone peak their head out of the window to see who it is (what everyone does here when someone knocks on their door), we decided to talk only english while explaining who we were, and what our message was. Obviously, nobody understood what the heck we were saying or what we were doing, but it was hilarious. People had the most confused looks on their faces and it honestly worked so well in getting people out of their doors to come and talk to us. After we got them out of their house, of course we started to talk spanish and said that it was just a joke and that we were going around testing the english skills of people here in Peru. Surprisingly, people thought it was super funny, and most of the people really opened up and were willing to hear our message. It was definitely a different way to contact the people here, but it turned out really well. Ill never forget Elder Newman pointing to his pass-along card of the Savior and saying super slowly nodding his head, "WE HAVE A MESSAGE ABOUT JESUS. YES, JEE-SUS" and the people looking so confused, haha. It was so funny.

Well, I dont have much more time. Everything is going well and the work continues. The gospel is true. Also, I want to give a happy fathers day shoutout to the best father in the world. Thanks Dad for always being my role model and example. You are the best. Thanks for all you do!

Avanza Su Verdad!

Elder Bailey

"Great works are performed not by strength but perserverance."

-Samuel Johnson

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Week 46

So this week started off pretty interesting. On Tuesday we had a lesson with two newer investigators named Bedina and Daniela. We had taught them before, but only once or twice. So as we got there and started to make small talk, the mom Bedina being the kind generous person she is, goes into her kitchen and comes back with 4 mugs…of coffee. It was a little uncomfortable as we explained to them that part of our belief is that we don’t drink coffee and that we weren’t going to drink what she offered us. We should have been a little more specific on what we don’t drink and why, because about 5 minutes later she comes out with 2 mugs of…tea. To be honest, for about a half a second I contemplated about just drinking it, haha. I did not want to deny what she offered us a second time, but of course we did. Bedina was noticeably a little annoyed, so from there we dropped our lesson plans, called an audible, and went straight into the word of wisdom. Luckily, the lesson actually went pretty good and they seemed to understand. It was definitely one of the most uncomfortable moments I’ve had on my mission, but everything turned out ok. :)

Well one of the many things that a missionary will learn on a mission is that agency is real. Although it’s really hard to accept sometimes, everyone has their own freedom to choose. On Saturday after having an incredible lesson with him the  day before, I had an impression to stop by Javier’s house and give him a copy of the Liahona with all the general conference talks from this last conference, as he loves to study and read anything we give him. When we got to his house and knocked his door, he slowly walked out and started to greet us. From the first glance and his first words it was obvious to tell that he had been drinking again. It was honestly devastating to see. I can’t even explain how sad it made me feel. Javier is someone who has been prepared by the Lord to receive the gospel and now this is the only adversity that is holding him back from being baptized. We are going to keep praying for him and do all we can to help him. I’ve never wanted to baptize someone so badly…

On the positive side of things, this week we got news that President has given us permission to watch the World Cup!! He told us to take advantage of the fact that everyone here in Perú will be watching, and to get together with investigators and members to watch it together. I’m super excited! However, I have a feeling that I may need to deliver a half-time lecture on faith when Perú plays France… But we’ll see how things go. Yo creo en ti, vamos vamos Perú!!!! 

Well not too much else to report on this week. Not going to lie, things are a little tough in our area right now. We are trying to do all we can, but things just keep falling through. That doesn’t mean, however, that we will lose the faith. We’ve just gotta put our heads down and keep working and relying on the Lord. He always delivers.

“And Christ has said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.” (Moroni 7:33)

Avanza Su Verdad!

Elder Bailey

Friday, June 8, 2018

Week 45

¿Qué tal cholos? 

Another week down here in the land of Perú. They call Piura “the city of eternal heat”, and it’s definitely for good reason. My entire time here in the mission I’ve experienced a never ending summer, where you get used to always being a little sweaty. However, things have actually started to cool off a little around here. But when I say cool off, I’m only talking about the mornings and nights, which are now starting to get a little chilly. It’ feel so good to finally experience some cool breezes every now and then. The only downside is where there’s no hat water here, taking a shower in the morning is like doing the “Polar Bear challenge” at scout camp where you had to sit under the glacier-fed waterfall for 10 seconds to gain the respect of your fellow scouters. It’s definitely a painful few minutes each morning, but it really wakes you right up. The funny thing is all the Peruvians think that the breezy 60 degree mornings here are like our mornings in the middle of January back in Utah. Each morning I’m out with my short sleeve shirt and shorts enjoying the cool weather while everyone else has their winter coats, scarves, and hats on with their arms folded and shivering. It’s hilarious. Nobody understands what real cold weather is like around here. 

On Tuesday we had our last multi-zone conference with President and Hermana Rasmussen. The conference was centered on the atonement, and like always, it was super good. President talked about how the atonement not only has the power to cleanse us from sin, but can also make good people better, helping us to overcome challenges and weaknesses. During his talk, while while explaining the magnitude and importance of the atonement, President read Matthew 26:30 which says, “ And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the Mount of Olives.” He then had me, Elder Newman (Idaho) and Hermana Araya (Chile) go up from and sing “Oh Dios, Eterno Padre” “Oh God the Eternal Father”. It went really well and really brought the spirit. I’m so grateful for Christ’s infinite atonement in my life and for the power it has to make me better each day. 

On Thursday, we met up with Hermana Medrano and Hermana Calsina from the Miguel Grav Ward to teach an investigator named Hugo. The Hermana had been teaching Hugo for about a month or two, and he had been attending their ward with one of his buddies. However, Hugo actually lives within our ward boundaries, so on Thursday we had a lesson with the 5 of us to introduce him to us, and hopefully encourage him to start attending church in our ward. We had a short little lesson, and then we started to explain to him the situation. When we proposed the idea of attending our ward, he quickly shut it down saying that he feels comfortable in the ward he had been attending, and is accustomed to receiving lessons from the hermanas. We tried all we could to convince him, but he seemed like he wasn’t going to budge. It was at that moment that a scripture that I had read that same morning in my personal study popped into my head. I quickly turned to Mosiah 25:22, and read him the following: 

22 And thus, notwithstanding there being many churches they were all one church, yea, even the church of God; for there was nothing preached in all the churches except it were repentance and faith in God.

Knowing his love and testimony of the Book of Mormon, Hugo really liked this scripture. We were able to explain how the church is one, and though he may not have his amigos from the ward in Miguel Grav, he will receive the same teachings and feel the same spirit at any church he attends. He agreed to start coming to our ward, and is going to start receiving lessons from us. I definitely feel like it was not a coincidence that I had read that scripture in the Book of Mormon that very same morning. I remember reading it and thinking how cool of a scripture it was, and how cool that the primitive church and the church in the latter days is set up the way it is. I felt like that was a cool little miracle and I truly felt like the Lord was watching over me and helping me out in time of need. What a testimony builder it was for me to see that if we put in our part, the Lord will help us out with His part, even in the smallest details. Also, to all of my missionary friends reading this, never doubt the power of our 1 hour personal study each day!

On Saturday, Pool (Paul) was baptized! Due to what they call “la hora Peruana” (Peruvian time), the baptism started about an hour and a half late from what it was scheduled. You always have to remember that if you want to start something at 6:00, you have to tell everyone that it starts at 4:00. That’s just the way it works around here. I always have to remind myself it’s just the culture here, and not to get too frustrated when things don’t go as planned. The important thing isPool was baptized. Like always, it was such a good spiritual experience. It doesn’t matter if it’s an 8 year old kid or a 70 year old convert, baptisms are always special. I’m grateful for the chance that I had to teach Poo and help him take the first step in coming unto Christ by baptism. He really is such a special kid and has such great potential. 

On Sunday something really cool happened. So I believe I mentioned the Focundo family a few weeks back. They are a member family that the majority of them have been inactive for quite some time. After the baptism of one of their younger kids, Duani, we started to visit the whole family to help strengthen them and with the hope of bringing them back to church. 
They had a ton of doubts about the church, and the mom Maritza and her 16 year old daughter Isabel were really questioning their own faith. I don’t know if you remember, but we invited them to really read and study the Book of Mormon, to answer their questions and doubts. Well, with a little reluctance, they accepted our challenge and have been reading diligently. On Sunday, they showed up to church and during fast and testimony meeting, both Maritza and Isabel went up in front of the ward and each bore powerful testimonies of the Book of Mormon and how it has helped them answer their questions and solidify their faith and testimony of the church. It was honestly so cool. It almost put me to tears to see and hear the changes that they have made in their lives as a result of diligently seeking answers by reading the Book of Mormon. I have loved working with the Facundo family. They’re so awesome. The Book of Mormon has the power to answer any of our doubts and questions and can strengthen any weak testimony.

Today for P-Day we went as a zone to Paita. Paita is a little beach city just 40 minutes from Piura and it is so sick. Us missionaries took on a bunch of kids in a game of fútbol on a court right on the beach. You already know that I torched those kids with a hat trick. ;) For some reason all the kids kept calling me the “big German”, haha. Usually when people don’t assume I’m from the states they think I’m from Germany. I guess the blonde hair and blue eyes just scream German to everyone here, lol. After smoking those kids in soccer, we went to the Paita Coliseum where there were legit basketball hoops! It felt super good to get some shots up for the first time in almost a year. I’m definitely a little rusty. Overall it was a really fun P-Day.

Well that’s it for this week. I hope everyone enjoys their summer back home! I can’t believe I graduated high school a year ago. That’s nuts. Anyway I hope everyone is doing good. I love and miss you all! The Church is true. Que tengan uno buena semana. 

Avanza Su Verdad!
Elder Bailey

The End of an Adventure

Well, it has been a crazy, and heart-wrenching week. I am honestly without words. I never expected there to be more tears in returning ...