Thursday, February 14, 2019

Week 81

We be workin!

Honestly this week flew! We had so many things this week everything feels like  a blur. Ill do my best to remember some of what happened to fill yall in.

On Wednesday, a few of us missionaries here in Piura were invited to a special  FSY (EFY) "face to face" activity, where each missionary was paired up with 3 of the youth. We then had about a half an hour with the kids, where they could ask us any question about the mission, day to day life, the MTC, companions, teaching, challenges, etc. I was paired up with 3 kids that were obviously only at the FSY camp because their parents wanted them to go, but they were really cool guys. I believe I helped them out a lot. I was really straight up with them and encouraged them to find out for themselves what is most important in their lives, and to find their own testimonies of the gospel. I really bonded with them, and I saw a lot of potential in each one of them. They reminded me a lot of myself when I was their age, and it made me realize how far Ive come in the past few years, and also how much my mission has changed me. Like Ive said many times, my mission has been the best thing ever for my life. I hope all three of those guys make it out on their missions.

Tuesday night, we had an appointment with Rosa Miranda, our older (eternal) investigator who has a date to be baptized on the 23rd. She is doing great! She is super motivated with her new baptismal goal, and told us a really cool experience. She said that when she got back from her baptismal interview last week, she threw out all of her coffee! She informed us that normally, if she doesnt have her coffee in the morning and the afternoon, she has bad headaches and cant function. However, this week she told us that despite not having her usual coffee breaks, she didnt have one single headache, and had energy all day long. When we asked her why she thought that was, she said "because I am keeping the commandments, and I have the spirit!" It was so cool to hear that from her. What a great gospel truth. When we keep the commandments we live a better life, feel great, and we have the spirit. Rosa is just about ready for baptism!

Well, I had lots that I wanted to share this week, but for lack of time Im not going to be able to. Just know that we saw many miracles this week! The hand of the Lord is definitely here in our area. I love this work!

(Also, this week I got my first dog bite of my mission! We were just trying to enter into a house to teach a family and their big pitbull must have been having a bad day. He got me pretty bad on my knee and also put a few holes in the top of my shoe, and in my trusty Book of Mormon that I always carry around, lol. I thought maybe Id make it through my mission without a crazy dog story. I guess not!)

Os amo a vosotros.

Avanza Su verdad!

Elder Bailey

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