Monday, June 3, 2019

Week 97 - The Transfer of "Lasts"

Well the "lasts" have already begun.

This week we attended my last leaders conference! As always, it was great to hear and learn from Pres Vega, and all the other leaders of the mission. Even though we are a little down as a mission in baptisms, I feel the mission is headed in a good direction. As I was sitting in the conference, it really hit me how much I have loved being a leader here in the mission, and how much Im going to miss it.

On Tuesday I was able to head to the airport to say "goodbye" to the large group that finished their mission this week. Ive become so close to some of those boys (3 of them have been my companions), and it was great to see them go out with honor.

On Friday, we made our way down south to "La UniĆ³n" to support our zone in their "capilla abierta", or church open house. In the past we havent had too much success in our zone in getting new people out to the open houses, but this one went exceptionally well. We had well over 20 references, and there was a huge support from the ward there. It was nice to finally see some success with that activity.

On Sunday Shnaider passed the sacrament! A few Sundays ago Shnaider (our recent convert) recieved the Aaronic Priesthood and was ordained a deacon. We coordinated this week and were able to find him a white-collared shirt for him to pass the sacrament. IIl never forget looking him in the eyes and seeing him crack a huge smile as he passed me the bread and water. Shnaider really has a love for the Savior and his church. Its been so amazing to see his progress that hes made since we found him just a few months ago. He really is a miracle for us.

"My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives." -President Russell M. Nelson

Avanza Su verdad!

Elder Bailey

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