Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Week 37


This week we looked really hard to find some new investigators that really are interested in what we have to share. We have been finding lots of “new" investigators in the past few weeks, but none of them really have been progressing or look like potential baptisms (except Javier). So, we were pretty desperate to find some new gems. Our work paid off, as we ere led to the Diaz family. When we first taught them on Tuesday, it was a little bit hard to tell if Karla, the mom, and her two daughters, Valerie (16) and Cielo (14), were interested in the message that we were teaching, or just interested in us. Karla was constantly trying to practice her English that she knew with us, and her two daughters were constantly staring into our light gringo eyes and asking if we were allowed to have girlfriends on the mission, haha. Eventually we got through the lesson, and asked if we could come back another day to teach them more. Before I could finish the question, they all smiled and said, “Si!”. When we came back on Friday, we showed them the video of Joseph Smith and and the first vision, and they absolutely loved it. They said they felt something super special about it, and the three of them accepted dates to be baptized for the 12th of May. After that second visit, we were little more convinced that they are actually interested in the message, and not just the two young guys teaching it. I’m grateful that the Lord was able to answer our prayers and guide is to them. We will see how they progress.

This week I was able to interview two more people for baptism in our district. Interviewing for baptisms is easily one of the coolest things about the mission. I look forward to it every time. It’s so cool to see the change of the converts and to hear their conversion stories. It’s always such a great testimony builder to me that this is the work of the Lord. 

This week we worked a lot with Javier! Once again, I want to say that there truly can’t be an investigator as prepared as Javier. Literally every single thing we give him to read or study he just eats up. Every time we show up to teach him, he brings up about ten questions about things in the Book of Mormon or about the doctrine we last taught. It’s the coolest thing ever. The best part too is that he showed up at church on Sunday! It was such a cool sight to see him walk up to the church building with his slacks and white shirt with his Book of Mormon in hand. It’s been amazing to see his progress so far. The Lord truly has people in His hands who are 100% ready to hear and accept His gospel. Our job as missionaries is to find ‘em!

On Sunday we had about an hour lesson with a man named Paul. We taught him on his porch about the restoration of the gospel of Christ and how we have and are led by prophets on earth today. He told us that he had already researched a lot about the Mormon Church and has a really hard time believing that God would call another prophet. We testified of the power of the Book of Mormon and told him that his answer lies inside the book. After teaching (and a little arguing) for about an hour, he finally accepted the book and said he would read it and pray to see if it is true. When we asked when we could come back to talk more, he surprised us and told us that he was only visiting his kids here in Piura, and live about 15 hours away. We were pretty bummed that we wouldn’t be able to teach him again but as we walked away we were content with what we had done. On a mission there are a lot of things that what are called in sports as “things that don’t show up on a stat sheet”. These are little things that don’t show up on paper as “points” or “goals” scored in a game. It may be a cool hustle play or a smart decision in a critical time in the game. In the same way, there are a lot things that don’t show up on a “weekly numbers” report in the mission. These are the things that separate the good missionaries from the great ones. It may be always smiling and saying hi to everyone, or giving pass-along cards to everyone you pass. These are the things that make the difference. I like to think that the hour we spent with Paul wasn’t wasted time, just because he will never be a “new investigator”, “church attendance”, or “baptism” for us. We truly taught and testified of the Book of Mormon and the truthfulness of the gospel to him, and he committed to read to find out for himself. Who knows, we may have planted a seed for some other missionaries down the road. No effort is wasted as a missionary, even when it doesn’t show up on your weekly numbers report.

Well, I’m out of time! I hope you are all doing well! I’ll talk to you all next week. The work continues. 

“I never lose, I either win or I learn.” - Nelson Mandela

Elder Bailey

Avanza su Verdad!
#Somos El Norte
#Take Note

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