Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Week 87

Man, I’ve really been slacking lately with these emails! Hopefully I can explain some of what’s been going on around here. Due to the injury that I explained in my last update, we honestly haven’t been able to get out and work at the pace that we’d like to. On top of what happened to me, my companion had a pretty nasty ingrown toenail removed this week (I’m not the only missionary that has suffered from the toenails!). However injuries aside, it has been incredible to see how the Lord has been providing for us. We have been seeing lots of miracles here in our area and in the zone. It’s been amazing. I attribute those miracles to our obedience and hard work that we’ve been putting in despite our setbacks. Our work is paying off!
On Wednesday we had our third EnglishConnect class. Like we predicted, each Wednesday night we have a smaller and smaller group to teach. But that’s ok! Only the faithful will learn… It’s always a blast to get up in front of everyone to teach them some English. They all seem to love learning from a gringo like me.
On Friday I had the opportunity to interview a 16 year old kid named Diego for baptism. It was awesome to hear his testimony and hear his conversion story. He told me that a little while back while he was still searching for an answer, he had a dream one night where he saw himself walking down the street wearing a white shirt and tie, and a black tag on his chest. He woke up from the dream in the middle of the night, grabbed his Book of Mormon, and started to read. After that experience, he knew that everything that the elders had taught him was true, and that he needed to go down this path and be baptized. He is extremely excited for his baptism and to start preparing to serve a mission in the future. I could really see something special in Diego.
Friday night we got the whole zone together and had a contacting activity in Catacaos! We made two giant wearable boxes of the Bible and the Book of Mormon and went about contacting just about everyone we saw. We were able to get quite a few references, especially for the elders there in Catacaos. We were even able to contact the Jehova’s Witnesses with their bookstand there in the plaza #eficaz. Good times.
On Sunday we saw some miracles! First off we had 8 investigators come to church! It seemed like just about everyone we are teaching showed up. Super awesome. Later, we were finishing off the day, and we were still really short on new investigators for the week due to the time we couldn’t work this week. I thought in my mind that there was no way that we would be able to reach our goal. I shouldn’t have doubted, because just in that same moment a guy yelled at us in the street saying “Hey! When are you guys going to teach us?” Our first thought was that it was just one of the many drunk guys in street making fun of us, but we decided to turn around go talk to him. The guy turned out to be someone who really wanted us to teach him and his family. We ended up teaching him and his huge family of 6 or 8 people, and scheduled a time for us to come back. It was 100% a miracle in our eyes. The Lord always provides!
I love you all!
“You are God's agents in the care of children He has entrusted to you. Let His divine influence remain in your hears as you teach and persuade.” 
― Russell M. Nelson  
Avanza Su verdad!

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