Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Week 91

Heyo! I know Im getting shorter and shorter with these updates, but heres the quick highlights of the week:
1.       Making “arepas” with the Mendez fam! My companion, Elder Ospina, brought a little Colombian culture to the Mendez family on Monday as he taught us how to make “arepas”, which are basically little fried pieces of cornbread with cheese inside! It was the first time that Id tried them, and they didn’t disappoint. Good stuff.

2.       We had two “greenies” fresh out of the CCM stay the night with us on Tuesday! We were able to house Elder Farrish (from St. George) and Elder Gasaway (from Alaska) for a night and helped prep them to receive their trainers in the mission. It was so great to see their excitement to be in the mission and to help answer their questions and fears about the new and foreign place they would be living in for the next two years. Needless to say, they are going to be two great and successful missionaries. Being with them took my mind back to my first days of my mission, and what a crazy, exciting, and difficult experience that was. Im so grateful for every stage of my mission and what they have made me.

3.       Yefri passed his baptismal interview! We will be dunking Yefri this Saturday! More info to come next week. J
The “not-so-great” of this week consisted of me and my companion getting sick! Both of us on Saturday morning woke up with some really nasty stomach pains, and all the fun that comes with that. We believe that one of the members that we visited the night before (despite all their good intentions) gave us some water to drink straight from the tap, which is not something that you want to take into your body here. While the stomachs of those who live here might be able to handle it, a couple of foreigners like me and my companion cannot. To all future missionaries reading, ALWAYS make sure to ask those who give you something to drink if the water is treated, or boiled! Its not worth experiencing what we had to go though this weekend, lol.
I love this work. I love you all.
Avanza Su verdad!
Elder Bailey

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